
Walking therapy has the advantages of both walking outdoors and counselling. It is calming, soothing and liberating. People often feel better immediately because it:

      1. Is easy, natural and relaxing to be outdoors or out in
          a  natural environment.
      2. Doesn’t require a lot of eye contact and it is more 
          comfortable to walk and talk side by side
          than in an office.

      3. Allows you to think clearly and creatively about    
           your problems. Therefore, find solutions quicker.

     4. Is healthy and uplifting because walking improves 
         your health  and energy levels, so you sleep better and
         feel more energetic.

     5. Is destressing, soothing, calming and nice to be 
         outdoors or  walk in nature. So you fret less about
         your problems.

      6. Is suitable for everyone. You set your own walking
          pace, from a gentle stroll to  a brisk pace – whatever
          you are comfortable with.

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